About us


The PhD course in “Biomedical Sciences” (PhDBMS) is aimed at the training of students from multiple master’s degree courses for research in the biomedical sector, with a strong translational, interdisciplinary nature. The doctorate will build a solid and homogeneous basic preparation in fundamental research sectors and will provide the necessary tools to apply the skills acquired to research in the biological and medical fields.

The preclinical areas include Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Clinical areas include Neuroscience and various sectors of experimental and clinical medicine. The PhDBMS involves several Departments of the University of Pavia and has extensive interactions at an international level. The purpose of the doctorate is to prepare new generations of young researchers who can operate in various areas of academic and industrial biomedical research and within the scientific-technological education and training system. The training of doctoral students will include research and teaching activities and interdisciplinary courses shared with other doctoral courses. Collaborations and stages abroad are planned, to promote the international dimension of this PhD course.

Several institutes are involved in the PhDBMS comprising both IRCCS institutes, such as Mondino Foundation and ICS Maugeri, and Departments of the University of Pavia:

Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Lazzaro Spallanzani”
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics
Department of Molecular Medicine
Department of Medical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences
Department of Drug Sciences
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences